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Making an Impact to Advance Health Equity
The AHA has long believed that tackling health disparities and promoting diversity within health care leadership are critical to ensuring high-quality care for all people.
AHA Leadership Summit Roundtable: The Future of Health Care Quality
A Quality Leadership Roundtable that took place at the 2022 American Hospital Association Leadership Summit in San Diego. Hosted by the AHA Living Learning Network.
Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Discussing the Journey of Community Health Improvement with Mikelle Moore, Intermountain Healthcare
On this episode, I talk with Mikelle Moore, senior vice president and chief community health officer at Intermountain Healthcare, based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Supporting Black Women’s Maternal Mental Health Journey
Black women are three to four times more likely to experience a pregnancy or childbirth-related death than White women. The health and well-being of women on their maternal journey – before, during and after childbirth are critical aspects of equitable health care.
Four ways to improve digital health equity
Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in tech-based approaches to improving maternal outcomes and the birthing journey.
Chair File: Making Health Care ‘Age Friendly’ Is More Important Than Ever
One demographic in the U.S. that has been constant in recent years is the aging of the population.
June 27 Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Talking Workforce Trends with Erin Fraher, UNC School of Medicine
On this episode, Wright L. Lassiter III, Chair, American Hospital Association, talks with Erin Fraher, associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine and research associate professor in the Department of Surgery at UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, N.C. She also is director of the Carolina Health Workforce Research Center, one of five national health workforce research centers in the U.S.
Perspective: Advancing the Health of Communities is Central to Every Hospital’s Mission
Two studies released last week during Community Health Improvement Week highlight the tremendous value hospitals provide to benefit their communities.
IFDHE Blog: Fostering an equitable, inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ health
June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. This tradition started back in 1969 with the Stonewall Riots – a series of demonstrations that were brought on by the continued mistreatment of LGBTQ+ individuals in New York City.
Chair File: At Next Month’s AHA Leadership Summit, Hear about Workforce, Health Equity, Digital Transformation and More
American author and disability rights advocate Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”