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216 Results Found
Chair File: Hospitals and Health Systems Are Accelerating Work to Build Healthy Communities
Across the country, I see hospitals and health systems doing incredible work to improve societal factors that influence the health of individuals and communities. That’s why I’m excited that the AHA is spotlighting a number of strategies that reinforce the crucial role of hospitals and health systems in serving their communities — it’s all part of a digital campaign that launches today.
5 Questions – 4 Communities Design Ways to Improve Black Maternal Outcomes
The stark differences in maternal health outcomes between Black and White women are widening at an escalating pace, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chair File: Hospitals and Community Benefit: The Stories Behind the Numbers
When we speak about hospitals and community benefit, it’s often a story focused on numbers. But it’s always about the people we serve.
Chair File: Building Age-Friendly Health Systems to Improve Care for Older Adults
Back in 2011, the first wave of Baby Boomers — people born from 1946 to 1964 — celebrated their 65th birthday. That marked a new demographic trend: the aging of the U.S. population.
Being Intentional about Health Equity — in Everything We Do
The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated health disparities, and the renewed calls for social justice and dismantling structural racism have moved front and center to our community health improvement work.
Adapting to Uncertainty, Learning on the Front Lines and Creating a Purposeful New Normal
COVID-19. Never have our communities been faced with such a challenge, bringing to light the full spectrum of heartache and resiliency.
Rising Together to Create and Sustain Healthy, Vibrant Communities for All
As the global pandemic recedes, hospitals, health systems and community-based organizations must continue to align strategies and tactics and accelerate the shared work on ensuring health equity and creating communities that contribute to vitality for all.
Chair File: Creating a Culture of Health for All
The factors that influence health are present in all aspects of our lives — in our own homes, in our communities and in society as a whole. In theory, this gives each of us the opportunity to improve and maintain our health, with support from hospitals and other providers, community-based organizations, businesses and government agencies.
Chair File: Building Partnerships and Healthy Communities
We know that a person’s health is influenced more by their social and economic circumstances than by access to medical services. However, making a real difference for people who struggle with social needs remains a significant challenge.
Blog: Leaders offer 7 standards of excellence in community health investments
Health care systems must partner in effective community-based approaches in caring for populations, write three leaders from Providence. Using
evidence from more than four decades of place-based investments, the authors write that comprehensive, multi-dimensional community investment strategies can measurably advance human health and well-being. Read more about the seven Standards of Excellence in Community Health Investments for consideration by health care systems and partners.