SPOTLIGHT | Patient and Family Advisory Councils

Patient and Family Advisory Councils Blueprint
Use the Patient and Family Advisory Councils Blueprint to help guide your organization through the process of forming and maintaining a successful PFAC.
Building and sustaining high-performing PFACs
To capture learnings and help the field build and sustain high-performing PFACs, Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, spoke to a group of patient and family engagement leaders to share their insights. The result is a four-part podcast series.
- Nursing leadership in PFACs. We hear from Robyn Begley, AHA senior vice president and chief nursing officer, and Pamela Rudisill, senior vice president and chief nursing officer at Community Health Systems, discuss the value of nursing leadership in PFACs. LISTEN NOW
- Establishing a PFAC in your organization. Jacqueline Beckerman, chief patient experience officer and senior director at ICARE Commitment at the University of Rochester Medical Center, discusses how to go about establishing a PFAC and the importance of representing all aspects of your community. LISTEN NOW
- PFACs creating partnerships between providers, patients and families. Caroline DeLongchamps, manager of Patient and Family-Centered Care, and Quality and Safety, at MUSC Health, shares how to go about establishing a PFAC including setting them up, staffing them, and sustaining them in your organization. LISTEN NOW
- PFACs supporting hospitals through COVID-19. Nicole Iarrobino, senior project administrator of Patient and Family Advisory Councils at John Hopkins Hospital and Health System, discusses how their PFACs helped to support the organization through the COVID-19 pandemic. LISTEN NOW