Well-Being & Resilience

The American Hospital Association (AHA) offers resources in support of the well-being and resilience of health care workers in hospitals and health systems, including behavioral health resources.

The National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector this week launched Health Care Leaders Speak Out on Climate Change, a video series featuring perspectives from health care leaders involved in the collaborative.
On this episode, Wright L. Lassiter III, Chair, American Hospital Association, talks with Erin Fraher, associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine and research associate professor in the Department of Surgery at UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, N.C. She also is director of the…
President Biden today signed the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 1667), AHA-supported legislation that would authorize grants for programs that offer behavioral health services for front-line health care workers.
This year’s theme for National Women’s History Month is Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.
The AHA and a number of other national health care organizations yesterday published a new resource with five evidence-based action items that hospital and health system leaders can use to support the well-being of nurses, doctors and other team members during the current stage of the pandemic.
A Physicians Foundation survey published this summer found that 61% of practitioners report having often experienced feelings of burnout due to the pandemic — a sharp increase compared with the organization’s 2018 data.
The AHA has released its 2022 Health Care Talent Scan, a review of reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations. It provides workforce insights and information you can use to guide your organization forward during this time of uncertainty and continued transformation.
This time has been hard for many, but it has been especially challenging for doctors, nurses and health care workers. Through it all, they have cared for their communities with compassion and skill. We invite you to thank the women and men at your local hospital or health system for all they do to…
Medical laboratories always have been indispensable, but the pandemic shed a light on just how valuable they are.