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5 Results Found


Federal court dismisses central claims in hospital retirement plan case

The U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut this week largely dismissed a lawsuit alleging that Yale New Haven Hospital violated its fiduciary duties by selecting a retirement plan with excessive fees or poorly performing investments. The court allowed certain ancillary claims related to the plan’s recordkeeping fees to go forward.

Practical Tips for Regulatory Compliance

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” No insight more appropriately describes a highly functioning co

Burwell, and Enterprise Risk Oversight

Now that the King v. Burwell verdict is behind us, let’s look at the case through a different lens.

The First Trustees: History Lessons

“I do not remember any of my political manoeuvres, the success of which gave me at the time more pleasure ...”

Eight Survival Strategies for Nonprofit Boards

SNAPSHOT Stand-alone, nonprofit hospitals seem to bear the brunt of an unfavorable financial climate.