AHA Knowledge Exchange
Gain insights from the C-suite and health care leaders on the most pressing issues: navigating a changing landscape; fostering a culture of innovation; building health care’s workforce of the future; accelerating the shift to digital transformation; and leading for equity and resolving disparities.
Newest Knowledge Exchange
The Resilient Health System Operating Model
Organizational strategies and new avenues for value creation in health care
Health care systems are facing the leadership challenge of navigating between the benefits of scale and the added operational complexities that can come with size. Consumer behaviors and expectations are reshaping how individuals interact with health care services. Add to this the entry of nontraditional provider competitors and technology disruptions and it becomes a strategic imperative for health systems to continuously examine and improve operational and governance models. This Knowledge Exchange e-book examines how health system leaders are changing governance, decision-making and their operating models for future opportunities in the evolving health care ecosystem.
Latest AHA Knowledge Exchange

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- Network with your peers in this collaborative forum.
- Share your unique perspectives and gain practical takeaways.
- Better understand the challenges and successes the hospital field is experiencing as it enters the rebuilding and recovery phase.
- Participation is limited to facilitate a small group discussion.
- Be featured in a special report in AHA Today.
How to Register
Participation is limited to facilitate a small group discussion. Registration is required. There is no fee to attend. Contact events@aha.org for more information.