Real Affordability Solutions from the Front Lines of Caring
Consumers are seeking greater value for their health care dollars. Concerns around the affordability of health care will only grow as overall health care spending continues to rise to meet the needs of an aging America.
The women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems—physicians, nurses and other caregivers—understand and share consumer’s concerns, and are working hard to make care more affordable by transforming the way health care is delivered in our communities.
But we cannot do it alone. It will take a real effort by everyone involved—providers, the government, employers and individuals, device makers, drug manufacturers, insurers and others. With health insurance prices climbing and drug spending rising, insurers and drug companies can do more to address increased health care costs.
Specifically, America’s hospital and health systems are working to:
Partnerships, Mergers, and Acquisitions Can Provide Benefits to Certain Hospitals and Communities
Financial Effects of COVID-19: Hospital Outlook for the Remainder of 2021
Results from 2018 Tax-Exempt Hospitals’ Schedule H Community Benefit Reports
Perspective: Confronting Commercial Insurers’ Practices that Threaten Patient Care
Lown Institute Report on Hospital Community Benefits Falls Short
Study: Health insurance market becoming more concentrated
Report: American Medical Association Report on Competition in the Health Insurance