Event Format



Thu, May 30, 2019, 01:00 PM – Thu, May 30, 2019, 02:00 PM





Event Host

Contact Information

Kristin Oliver


3 Simple Steps to Get Innovation Buy-In
From Innovation 90 in collaboration with the American Hospital Association

Thursday, May 30, 2019
1 - 2 p.m. Eastern; noon - 1 p.m. Central; 10 - 11 a.m. Pacific

Most hospitals need to innovate to make people healthier, improve value or streamline operations. But innovation teams often don’t realize there are three simple steps to overcome internal resistance. That’s why the American Hospital Association collaborated with Innovation 90 to help you get buy in from leadership, enthusiastic support from stakeholders and deliver measurable results in 90 days.


Find out how you can innovate in complex organizations from thought leader Kurt Baumberger. Kurt teaches innovation and entrepreneurship at Duke University and has written three books on innovation based on his 30 years of experience. He will explain how dozens of hospitals went from problem statement to prototype solution in 90 days and achieved remarkable results — from cutting $4 million in staffing costs to decreasing a rural population’s diabetic A1C levels 2.3 points.


Attendees Will Learn How to:

  • Use a persuasive Pitch Script to accelerate innovation adoption by leadership and key stakeholders.
  • Use an Innovation Strength Finder to minimize work for innovation team members.
  • Use Design Thinking to strip out risk by discovering which part of your idea is right.


Kurt Baumberger
Innovation 90 Master Coach