Part 3—Assess: Building a Data Process for Reporting, Research and More Nov 16
Event Format
Wed, Nov 16, 2022, 10:30 AM – Wed, Nov 16, 2022, 11:30 AMCost
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Measuring the impact of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening and connecting people with resources to address their social needs is critical for evaluating programs, identifying gaps in health equity, and driving policy change. Specifically, how does a health system use data to help improve the screening and referral process, develop or improve new programs, and conduct meaningful research? The MetroHealth System has developed a system that combines SDOH screening results with internal and external data, which allows for a comprehensive understanding of SDOH’s impact and utilization in the hospital system. A dashboard was also developed to help identify critical insights, allowing users to interact with the SDOH screening and referral data.
This session will explain how to collect SDOH data and create a dataset of multiple sources of information, a process that will help providers understand how SDOH impacts the community. Session participants will also learn how to set up their dashboard and a series of high levels reports, information that is essential in telling a SDOH community impact story. The session will also explore using data in process improvements, evaluating and developing new targeted programs, and creating quality research.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to collect data on social needs screening and referral.
- Understand how to use data for reporting SDOH impacts in your community.
- Develop an evaluation framework using evidence-based methods to improve program efficiencies and effectiveness and conduct research.
- Kevin Chagin, Manager, Advanced Analytics & Data Operations, Institute for H.O.P.E.TM, MetroHealth
- Ashwini Sehgal, Physician, Director of Research and Evaluation, Institute for H.O.P.E.TM, MetroHealth
- Mark Kalina Jr., Senior Analyst, Institute for H.O.P.E.TM, MetroHealth
- Jin Kim-Mozeleski, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences and Core Faculty, Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods, Case Western Reserve University
You Can Also Register for Parts 1 and 2
- Part 1—Screen: Building an Integrated SDOH Screening Process (Wednesday, October 26, 10:30-11:30 AM CT)
- Part 2—Connect: Building Bridges from Health Care to Social Care (Wednesday, October 26, 10:30-11:30 AM CT)