Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital - Making HAI Prevention ‘Everyone’s Job’
Trusted collaboration among all stakeholders, coupled with a clear consensus for keeping health care teams and patients safe, drive the infection prevention efforts at Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital. Located in east-central Missouri, MBSH had only eight catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) from August 2021 through January 2022. Since early January 2022, the hospital has reported zero CAUTIs.
“Here at MBSH, it is everyone’s job to prevent health care-associated infections,” said Vanessa Alfermann, infection prevention specialist. “We work great as a team to ensure they are prevented.”
The hospital team uses multiple interventions to prevent HAIs and ensure a culture of safety. Focusing on teamwork, communication and education is key. The hospital prioritizes education for all stakeholders. Team members receive thorough skills training for inserting and removing a Foley catheter and for perineal care cleaning.
Other interventions include:
- Daily rounding and auditing for Foley catheter use.
- Defining appropriate use for a Foley catheter during transfers between the emergency department and inpatient units.
- Adhering to HOUDINI protocol for removing catheters — hematuria, obstruction, urological surgery/intervention, decubitus ulcer, input/output monitoring, nursing care and immobility.
- Using best practices for all patients.
Key Takeaways
Targeted Problems: CAUTI
Interventions Used:
- Provided education across ED and inpatient units on appropriate indications for inserting an indwelling urinary catheter.
- Conducted daily rounding on catheters.
- Used the HOUDINI checklist to help determine when catheters can be removed.
Impact: Reduced SIRs from 13% in 2020 to 8% in 2022