Connecticut hospitals contribute $26.2 billion to economy
Connecticut hospitals contributed $26.2 billion to the state and local economies in 2015, according to a new report by the Connecticut Hospital Association. Hospital health systems in the state provide 100,000 jobs, nearly every one of which produces another job outside the health system. In addition to generating $14.7 billion in annual local payroll in 2015, the state’s hospital health systems generated $9.9 billion in spending for goods and services and $1.6 billion for capital improvements. “Not only are hospitals critical to the health of our communities, they have a positive economic impact of more than $26 billion a year for Connecticut,” said CHA CEO Jennifer Jackson. “Yet [the state’s hospitals] have been cut and taxed year after year. Today they pay nearly 30 times the corporate tax rate. The proposed state budget would not only raise taxes further but would open a new door to letting municipalities tax hospitals.”