AHA joins the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program
The AHA has joined the American Board of Medical Specialties’ Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program, meaning board-certified physicians participating in the Health Research & Educational Trust Hospital Improvement Innovation Network will have the opportunity to earn maintenance of certification credit through the program. "Credit will be offered initially to physicians working in 11 topic areas covered by the HIIN, including adverse drug events, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, central line-associated bloodstream infections, early elective deliveries, falls, obstetric harm, pressure ulcers, readmissions, surgical site infections, ventilator-associated events and venous thromboembolism,” noted HRET President Jay Bhatt, D.O., and Portfolio Program Executive Director David Price, M.D. They added, “We look forward in growing this effort beyond the HRET HIIN over time. We hope this program will provide incentives for physicians to continue to partner with hospitals and create long-lasting change in their organizations.”