CMS to issue MLN Connects notification on Worksheet S-10
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services this week is expected to release in its MLN Connects newsletter a notification requesting that hospitals review Worksheet S-10 data to ensure cost reports pass all recent edits. On Sept. 29, CMS released Transmittal 11, which modified the application of the cost-to-charge ratio for hospital uncompensated and indigent care amounts reported by hospitals on Worksheet S-10. The modification is applied to all fiscal year 2014 and 2015 cost reports, both amended and not amended, for inpatient prospective payment system hospitals eligible for a disproportionate share hospital payment adjustment. CMS estimates that approximately 300 DSH eligible hospitals will need to amend their cost reports to correct these edits. If an edit is flagged, hospitals must submit amendments to their Worksheet S-10 prior to Jan. 2, 2018. AHA will publish more information once it is available.