In his state of the union address last night, President Trump said reducing prescription drug prices is “one of my greatest priorities.” Among other health care-related comments, Trump said his administration “is committed to fighting the drug epidemic and helping get treatment for those in need.” He also said it is “time to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure,” and called on Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for new infrastructure investment. Commenting on the speech, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack said, “Along with the Administration’s commitment to reversing the tide of drug addiction and addressing the rising costs of prescription drugs, we support the need to address America’s infrastructure. Hospitals and health care should be part of any effort to fix and improve our nation’s infrastructure. Just as America’s infrastructure must be rebuilt, our health care infrastructure must also be revitalized. More specifically, infrastructure investments are needed to help hospitals meet the needs of their communities, strengthen the capacity for emergency preparedness and response, expand the digital infrastructure for health care, and ensure adequate financing mechanisms for hospitals and health systems. We appreciate the Administration’s support for revitalizing advanced refinancing for tax-exempt bonds.”

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