Wisconsin Enacts Legislation to Create State Reinsurance Program
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker yesterday signed legislation authorizing the state to pursue federal approval to create a state-based reinsurance program to help stabilize premiums in the individual health insurance market. “We applaud Governor Walker’s leadership in developing, and the Legislature’s bipartisan support in passing, SB 770, which creates a reinsurance program aimed at sustaining coverage expansion in Wisconsin – a key priority for WHA in Madison and in Washington, D.C.,” said Wisconsin Hospital Association President and CEO Eric Borgerding. The legislation was signed during ceremonies at Tomah (WI) Memorial Hospital and HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center in Green Bay. The state will apply to the Department of Health and Human Services for a Section 1332 waiver to create the program. In a letter to federal lawmakers, Walker voiced support for certain changes to make the waiver process more efficient.