Rep. Earl “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) yesterday introduced a bill that would require hospitals participating in the 340B drug savings program to report their low-income utilization rate for outpatient services. The new reporting requirement is modeled after the current Medicaid disproportionate share hospital program low-income utilization rate (LIUR) reporting requirement, which is based on inpatient data. Currently, state Medicaid programs are required to report to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through the Medicaid DSH audit and reporting process the LIUR for hospitals receiving Medicaid DSH payments. Carter’s bill would require 340B DSH hospitals report to the Health Resources and Services Administration a LIUR for outpatient services based on Medicaid revenues and charity care provided by 340B DSH hospitals and their registered 340B outpatient sites that is not collected by any federal program. HRSA would be required to submit an annual report to Congress regarding the information submitted by the 340B DSH hospitals. “We have concerns the bill would impose new overly burdensome reporting requirements on hospitals requesting data that is not accessible in nature,” said an AHA spokesperson. “Such reporting requirements would not provide meaningful transparency nor tell the real story of the value of the 340B program.”

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