WSJ: Administration may try to publicize rates providers negotiate with insurers

The Trump administration is considering having health care providers, including hospitals, publicly disclose the negotiated prices they charge insurance companies for services, according to a March 7 Wall Street Journal article.
In a statement, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels said, “Our goal is to ensure consumers have the information they need to make informed health care decisions. What patients really want to know is what their out-of-pocket costs will be. Insurers are the only ones that have this information. Insurers need to make this information available to hospitals so they can share it with their patients.
“Disclosing negotiated rates between insurers and hospitals could undermine the choices available in the private market. While we support transparency, this approach misses the mark.
“Price is not the only factor that patients weigh when deciding where to receive care. Physician recommendation, quality and location play a significant role.”