The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday approved the Prescription Drug Sunshine, Transparency, Accountability and Reporting Act (H.R. 2113), AHA-supported legislation that would increase transparency with regard to prescription drug pricing. 
"As it considers this legislation, we want to commend the Committee for including several policies that will better hold drug manufacturers accountable," AHA said in a letter of support for the bill. 
Specifically, AHA applauded the inclusion of the Reporting Accurate Drug Prices Act, which would require all manufacturers to submit pricing data to the Department of Health and Human Services; and the SPIKE Act, which would require drug companies to provide written justification for new drugs with high launch prices or existing drugs with excessive price increases over certain time periods. AHA also voiced support for provisions that would make publicly available the total amount and value of the free samples drug manufacturers provide to patients. 
"While the AHA understands the assistance that free drug samples can provide for patients who need them, especially those individuals with limited financial flexibility, we are concerned that these samples may improperly incentivize patients and providers to use and prescribe certain drugs," the association said.

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