CMS issues FY 2022 proposed rule for inpatient psychiatric facilities
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today issued a proposed rule for the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system for fiscal year 2022.
CMS proposes to increase IPF payments by a net 2.3%, equivalent to $90 million, in FY 2022. The 2.3% payment update is a reflection of a 2.3% market-basket update minus a productivity adjustment of 0.2 percentage points, plus 0.2 percentage points for the outlier fixed-dollar loss threshold amount. CMS also proposes to align the IPF PPS teaching hospital policy with the inpatient PPS policy regarding displaced residents from IPF hospital closures and closures of IPF teaching programs, beginning in FY 2022.
For the IPF Quality Reporting Program, CMS would adopt a measure assessing COVID-19 vaccination rates among health care personnel starting in FY 2023; the agency also proposes to replace the current Follow-up after Hospitalization measure with a similar measure that includes substance use disorder patients, and remove three other chart-abstracted measures.
For more details, see the CMS fact sheet. CMS will accept comments on this rule through June 7.