CMS urged not to create Advanced Explanation of Benefits burdens
The AHA, American Medical Association and Medical Group Management Association today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services not to include a convening/co-provider framework when implementing the Advanced Explanation of Benefits and insured good faith estimate provisions under the No Surprises Act. The groups urged the agency to instead allow each billing provider to submit their own good faith estimate to the health plan to create an AEOB; and to leverage existing provider and health plan workflows, standards and technologies for claim submission and adjudication to support accurate AEOBs for patients.
“Our organizations appreciate the opportunity to work with CMS on the No Surprises Act’s price transparency provisions implementation, and we are committed to working closely with our members to ensure that they have the information and tools to successfully implement the new requirements,” the letter adds. “Additionally, we remain committed to ensuring that patients have access to complete and accurate out-of-pocket cost information for scheduled care and working with you to develop efficient methods of delivering this information.”