
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

The AHA's 2025-2027 Strategic Plan is rooted in four core disciplines — advocacy and representation, thought leadership, knowledge exchange and agents of change — which define AHA’s approach to providing value to members and advancing our field’s goals.
TrendWatch Chartbook analyzes the latest in hospital and health system trends. It is produced by the AHA. Charts will be updated annually as new data become available. The last update was August 30, 2022.
Improving the health of their communities is at the heart of every hospital’s mission. For example, tax-exempt hospitals annually demonstrate accountability to the communities they serve by reporting to IRS on the benefits they provide to their community using the IRS Form 990 Schedule H and making…
America’s hospitals and health systems are at the center of their communities, both as providers of critical services and as large – and often the largest – employers. They train tomorrow’s health care providers and cultivate future leaders by building and expanding their dynamic workforces to…
EY was commissioned by the American Hospital Association to analyze the federal revenue forgone due to the tax exemption of non-profit hospitals as well as the community benefits they provide. This study presents estimates for 2016, the most recent year for which community benefit information is…
The American Hospital Association (AHA) released a new analysis conducted by the prominent health care economics and policy consulting firm Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, LLC (Dobson).
The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.
The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.