Reps. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and Terri Sewell, D-Ala., today introduced legislation that would repeal a Medicare rule that requires physicians at a Critical Access Hospital to certify that inpatients are likely to be discharged or transferred to another hospital within 96 hours. AHA has urged Congress to pass legislation to permanently remove the requirement. 

“The American Hospital Association applauds Representatives Smith and Sewell for their leadership in working to permanently remove the 96-hour condition of payment for Critical Access Hospitals,” said Aimee Kuhlman, AHA’s vice president of advocacy and grassroots. “This would allow CAHs to serve patients needing critical medical services that may have lengths of stay greater than 96 hours. CAHs play a vital role treating patients and saving lives each and every day, and this legislation is long overdue for rural hospitals to be able to provide the types of services their communities need and seek close to home.”

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