AHA announces new trustees for 2024
The AHA has elected eight new members to its Board of Trustees for three-year terms beginning Jan. 1. The incoming members are: Kurt Barwis, president and CEO of Bristol (Conn.) Health; Norvell Coots, M.D., president and CEO of Holy Cross Health and the Maryland Region of Trinity Health in Silver Spring, Md.; Steven Diaz, M.D., chief medical officer of MaineGeneral Health in Augusta; Laura Kaiser, president and CEO of SSM Health in St. Louis; Michael Mayo, president and CEO of Baptist Health in Jacksonville, Fla.; Tim McManus, national group president for HCA Healthcare in Nashville, Tenn.; Robert Trestman, M.D., professor and chair of psychiatry and behavioral medicine at Carilion Clinic and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke; and Matt Wille, president and CEO of Munson Medical Center in Transverse City, Mich. In addition, Bill Gassen, president and CEO of Sanford Health in Sioux Falls, S.D., will fill an unexpired term on the board.