AHA urged the House Energy and Commerce Committee to consider including in its draft legislation to address drug shortages legislative proposals that would support drug manufacturers and protect the supply chain for essential medications without limiting patient access to 340B drugs. 
“The AHA shares the committee’s concern about ensuring an adequate drug supply. Our member hospitals and health systems rely on drug therapies to care for their patients,” the association wrote. “In many cases, access to these critical drugs is in peril, jeopardizing patient health. Hospitals and health systems are most concerned about preserving consistent supply of and access to source generics and other generics, which drug manufacturers may believe lack sufficient business incentive to maintain. While the AHA believes shoring up the drug supply chain is of great importance, accomplishing this goal should not come at the cost of patient care. Reducing access to the 340B Drug Pricing Program would directly impact hospitals’ ability to offer a wide range of health care services to some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations.” 

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