Over 3,700 babies were born with syphilis in 2022, 32% more than in 2021 and 10 times more than in 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Nov. 7. Almost 9 in 10 cases last year could have been prevented with timely testing and adequate treatment, the agency said, and urged emergency departments, syringe service programs, prisons/jails and maternal and child health programs to use rapid syphilis testing and treatment during pregnancy and other settings to consider immediate treatment if a patient tests positive and faces obstacles to ongoing care.
“The congenital syphilis crisis in the United States has skyrocketed at a heartbreaking rate,” said CDC Chief Medical Officer Debra Houry, M.D. “New actions are needed to prevent more family tragedies. We’re calling on healthcare providers, public health systems, and communities to take additional steps to connect mothers and babies with the care they need.” 
In other news, CDC last week issued updated recommendations for testing babies exposed to hepatitis C during pregnancy.

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