Stephens County Hospital Designated as Remote Treatment Stroke Center

Stephens County Hospital. A female clinician sits in a residential setting with an elderly woman.

Stephens County Hospital in Georgia has been designated as a Remote Treatment Stroke Center by the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Office of EMS and Trauma. This recognition highlights the hospital's excellence in stroke care, emphasizing its ability to provide timely and effective treatment for stroke patients in Stephens County and surrounding areas. The hospital underwent a rigorous process to achieve this designation, demonstrating adherence to specific standards and showcasing timely treatment, improvement efforts, and robust processes and policies.

The hospital stresses the importance of community education in recognizing stroke symptoms using the BEFAST acronym: Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm, Speech, and Time. Quick recognition and response are crucial, as timely treatment within 3 ½ to 4 hours of onset can significantly improve patient outcomes. The hospital's ability to provide such care locally may eliminate the need for patients to travel to other facilities, ensuring high-quality stroke care close to home.