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Explore New Media
Explore New Media
Join your colleagues by sending Washington a strong message – “Protect rural health care.” Below are some sample posts and messages to get you started! Use these messages on your organization’s facebook or twitter page and tag your member of Congress, @AHAadvocacy, and use the tag #RuralHealth with the message. Another great idea is to take a photo of your Congressional meeting and tweet that photo while adding the member of Congress to the tweet and thanking them for meeting.
#ruralhealth Tweets |
Critical Access Hospitals provide vital care to #Medicare patients who would otherwise be unable to access health care services
We must advocate for the health of #rural America + protect rural hospital services
CAHs face reduced payment proposals which threaten their essential, life-saving, role in our nation’s healthcare landscape
Low volume payment adjustment levels the playing field for #Rural providers + improves #AccessToCare = Congress should permanently extend
Medicare dependent hospital program provides financial stability to rural hospitals with aging patients – We must protect #RuralHealth
#340B helps many rural hospitals manage rapidly rising prescription drug costs
Expand Medicare coverage & payment for #telehealth #RuralHealth
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