Population Health - Shifting from Healthcare to Health for Women and Children

AHA Executive Series: Population Health - Shifting from Healthcare to Health for Women and Children Providence Health & Services Reports on Two Population Based Efforts: Pregnancy Care Package and Childhood Obesity Section for Maternal and Child Health WebinarNovember 9, 2016

AHA Executive Series: Members-Only Webinar and Discussion

Population Health - Shifting from Healthcare to Health for Women and Children
Providence Health & Services Reports on Two Population Based Efforts: Pregnancy Care Package and Childhood Obesity
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Eastern

We were pleased that our presenter, Kristine Larison, Program Executive for Women and Children, Providence Oregon Region, Portland, OR, presented on two major women's and children's health initiatives at Providence Health & Services:

  • Their low-risk pregnancy care package (prenatal care through postpartum) and share data to date on meeting goals on patient satisfaction, reduction of cesarean section rates and cost of pregnancy care;
  • How, as a system, Providence Health & Services has taken aim on reduction of childhood obesity and family food insecurity in their hospital's communities and the impact to date on this priority

If you have questions or need additional information, contact Ji Kim at 312-422-3310 or jihan.kim@aha.org.

Bonnie Connors Jellen, Director
Section for Maternal & Child Health


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