Market Insights: Disruptive Innovation
Some of the nation’s most innovative companies have launched initiatives large and small to disrupt health care’s status quo. The aim: to deliver better health care in more cost-effective and efficient ways in locations that are easily accessible, affordable and more desirable for consumers to use. Large retailers and technology giants are playing a larger role in health care innovation with new models of consumer service and engagement, digital health technology and human interactions augmented with artificial intelligence. Scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements in precision diagnostics, precision medicine, patient monitoring, and drug discovery and delivery for targeted therapies are paving the way for patient-centric care and a shift from the field’s focus on illness to sustaining health and well-being.
Leading Disruptive Innovation
New health care market entrants and vertical integrators are challenging the traditional business models of both hospitals and health systems. This report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation outlines the moves hospitals and health systems can make to convert that challenge into an opportunity to serve the health needs of their patients.
Discussion Guide
Strategic Questions for Leadership Teams
The health care field is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. Vertical integrators and new market entrants see opportunity within this environment and are seeking to disrupt the status quo. Here are twenty questions on the potential impact of disruptors on current business models for leaders and their teams to explore together.
Key Moves
Dissecting the Disruptors
Some of America’s largest companies made it their business to disrupt health care and, in 2019, took significant steps to improve efficiencies and make high-quality care more accessible. These moves appear to be early indicators of the companies’ longer-term ambitions in health care. The ramifications not only are being felt now, but will be into the future.
Trends for 2021
2021 AHA Environmental Scan
The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has reshaped the health care environment. The 2021 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond.
Looking Ahead
FutureScan 2020-2025
As health care leaders confront the current wave of change, thought leaders take a deep dive on eight key drivers creating transformation. This tool helps leaders negotiate the path ahead and was developed by the AHA’s Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Trustee Resources
Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption
A successful response to business disruption may require significant changes to traditional governance and management practices.
On-Demand Webinar
A Framework for Disruptive Innovation
Emerging Trends, Major Players and Implications for Hospitals and Health Systems
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