Benefits to Communities
The mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and type of ownership, is to care for their patients and communities. In addition to providing financial assistance to those in need, hospitals have programs that are responsive to their community’s needs. These community benefits include help with housing, accessing healthy food, educational programs, health screenings, transportation to ensure patients arrive at needed medical appointments, vaccination clinics and other programs to address the many other needs that affect the community’s health and well-being.
Caring For Our Communities: Voices From the Field
Community Benefit in Action
Discover how organizations across the U.S. are improving community health and advancing health equity.
Boston Medical Center has developed numerous programs and services that help address some of the root causes of medical issues, with the goal of improving health outcomes for area residents.
Through Children's Hospital Los Angeles’s 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment Youth Photovoice Project, more than 150 young Angelenos got to communicate their own sense of the welfare of their neighborhoods though the lens of a camera.
Our Lady of the Lakes Regional Medical Center (OLOLRMC) is among the founders of Healthy BR, a regional approach to identifying community societal and health factors across a wide range of areas and industries.
For area residents served by Titus Regional Medical Center (TRMC) in Mt. Pleasant, Texas, a patient with a question or concern just may be able to pick up the phone — and reach the system’s CEO directly.
Serving New York City, known the world over as a symbol of diversity and multiculturalism, NYU Langone serves its vast variety of patients by striving hard to stay familiar with the languages, cultural rhythms and differing needs of its communities.
Focusing on Community Needs to Improve Health
Houston-based Memorial Hermann, winner of the 2023 Foster G. McGaw Prize, focuses on four pillars to improve community health.
Caring for Community Outside Hospital Walls
Norman Regional Health System in Oklahoma runs a food pharmacy, staffs a community call center and uses a community health navigator to link patients to services.
Click to view this infographic from Owensboro Health, featured at the 2023 Accelerating Health Equity Conference.
ProMedica is taking a holistic approach to address the social determinants of health.