Scanning the Headlines: Home Health PPS

A bibliographic listing of recently published material related to home health PPS.

Updated on July 19, 2017

Links to full-text articles are provided where available.
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(2017, May 2). Post-Acute Care (PAC) Optimization in a Value-Based Economy: Bridging the Gap Between Hospital and Home. Chicago: Leavitt Partners. Retrieved from:

Kodjak, A. (2016, June 15). Dying in a hospital means more procedures, tests and costs. Shots Health News from NPR. Retrieved from:

Role of Post-Acute Care in New Care Delivery Models. Trendwatch. (2015, Dec.). Chcago: AHA.
Addendum: Background On Post-Acute Care. Trendwatch. (2015, Dec.). Chicago: AHA.

Mattke, S., Han, D., Wilks, A., and sloss, E. (2015, Dec.). Medicare home visit program associated with fewer hospital and nursing home admissions, increased office visits. Health Affairs, 34(12): 2138-2146.

Thew, J. (2015, Oct. 15). Acute care makes itself at home. HealthLeaders Media. Retrieved from:

Kim, H., and Norton, E.C. (2015, Oct.). Effects of the ten percent cap on Medicare home health care on treatment intensity and patient discharge status. HSR. Health Services Research, 50(5), 1606-1627.

Wilhelm, J., Bryant, N., Sutton, J., and Stone, R. Predictors of Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave Among Home Health Workers: An Analysis of the National Home Health Aide Survey. Washington: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Aug. 14, 2015. Retrieved from:

Rau, J. (2015, July 16). Home health agencies get Medicare's star treatment. Kaiser Health News. Retrieved from:

Small, L. (2015, June 19). n-home senior care program saved Medicare $25M. FierceHealthPayer. Retrieved from:

Lamas, D. (2015, Apr. 27). Admitted to your bedroom: Some hospitals try treating patients at home. New York Times. Retrieved from:

Dahl, D. (2015, Jan.-Feb.). At-home links monitor chronic conditions. Health Progress, 96(1), 37-41. Retrieved from

Leff, B., Carlson, C.M., and others. (2015, Jan.). The invisible homebound: setting quality-of-care standards for home-based primary and palliative care. Health Affairs, 34(1), 21-29.

Weisfeld, V., and Lustig, T. The Future of Home Health Care: Workshop Summary (2015). Washington: The National Academies Press, 2015. Retrieved from:

Johnson, S.R. (2014, Dec. 8). Managing care between home and hospice. Modern Healthcare, 44(49), 16.

Zillich, A.J., Snyder, M.E. (2014, Oct.). A randomized, controlled pragmatic trial of telephonic medication therapy management to reduce hospitalization in home health patients. Health Services Research, 49(5), 1537-1554.

Johnson, S.R., and Rubenfire, A. (2014, September 8). Home-care workers’ bid for higher pay faces uphill battle. Modern Healthcare. 44(36), 11.

Betbeze, P. Strategies for Managing the Post-Acute Environment. HealthLeaders Media. Sept. 5, 2014.

Tu ,T., and others. (2014, September). The right care for the right cost: post-acute care and the triple aim. MHA ACO Network; Leavitt Partners. Retrieved from

Cabin, W., Himmelstein, D.U., Siman, M.L., and Woolhandler, S. (2014, Aug.). For-profit Medicaid home health agencies’ costs appear higher and quality appears lower compared to nonprofit agencies. Health Affairs, 33(8), 1460-1465.

Morrissey, J. (2014, July). 3-way strategy to eliminate speed bumps in home care. H&HN. Hospitals & Health Networks. 88(7),26-27.

Ryvicker, M., McDonald, M.V., and others. Can the care transitions measure predict rehospitalization risk or home health nursing use of home healthcare patients? Journal for Healthcare Quality. 35(5):32-40, Sept.-Oct. 2013.

Evdokimoff, S., and others. How-to Guide: Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Home Health Care to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Aug. 2, 2013.

Feder, J. Bundle with care --rethinking Medicare incentives for post--acute care services. New England Journal of Medicine. 369:400-401, Aug. 1, 2013.

Dilwali, P.K. From acute care to home care: the evolution of hospital responsibility and rationale for increased vertical integration. Journal of Healthcare Management;58(4):267-276, July-Aug. 2013.

Proposed 2014 PPS rule, 2% sequestration cut: a double whammy for the industry; and, Proposed 2014 PPS rule’s impact on home health agencies. Home Health Line;38(26):1, 6-7, and insert, July 8, 2013.

MedPAC sees bundled payments as the future for post-acute care. Home Health Line. 38(24):3-4, June 24, 2013.

Home health agencies face marketing challenges as ACO numbers increase. Home Health Line. 38(23):1, 7-8, June 17, 2013.

Analyze visits per episode to save costs, ensure appropriate utilization. Home Health Line;38(21):4-5, June 3, 2013.

Selvam, A. Overtime overdue? Plan aims to boost wages for home-care workers. Modern Healthcare;43(11):18, Mar. 18, 2013.

VanderBent, S., and McAlister, M. Can this care be provided at home? Healthcare Quarterly;16(1):93-96, 2013.

Medicare settlement would expand at-home care. USA Today. Nov. 1, 2012.

Top five least profitable diagnoses in 2011. Home Health Line;37(34):7, Sept. 3, 2012.

MEDICAID: States' Plans to Pursue New and Revised Options for Home- and Community-Based Services. Washington: United States Government Accountability Office. June 2012.

Evdokimoff, S., and others. How-to-Guide: Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Home Health Care to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations. Cambridge, MA: Insitutute for Healthcare Improvement, June 2012.

Graham, J. Hospital-at-home programs for intensive-care patients spread. Kaiser Health News. May 29, 2012.

Bercovitz AR and others. Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records and Mobile Technology by Home Health and Hospice Care Agencies. National Health Statistics Reports [National Center for Health Statistics], no. 66, May 20, 2013.

Reschovsky, J., and others. Durable Medical Equipment and Home Health Among the Largest Contributors to Area Variations in Use of Medicare Services. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, May 8, 2012.

Jones, A., Harris-Kojetin, L., and Valverde, R. Characteristics and use of home health care by men and women aged 65 and over. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Apr. 18, 2012.

Increase referrals by identifying untapped needs in your market. Home Health Line:3-4, Apr. 2, 2012.

How to improve the lowest publicly reported patient-satisfaction outcomes. Home Health Line:1-3, Mar. 19, 2012.

Barr, P. Data satisfaction: home health reps say there are no OASIS issues. Modern Healthcare. 42(10):17, Mar. 5, 2012.

Berger, J. A shift from nursing homes to managed care at home. New York Times. Feb. 23, 2012.

Innovation advisors look to statistics to shape home health’s future. Home Health Line. 37(5):6-7, Jan. 30, 2012.

Stevenson, L., and others. Safety in home care: Thinking outside the hospital box. Healthcare Quarterly. 15(Special issue):68-72, 2012.

Klein, S. Quality Matters. "Hospital at Home" Programs Improve Outcomes, Lower Costs But Face Resistance from Providers and Payers. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, Aug./Sept. 2011.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A Physician’s Guide to Medicare’s Home Health Certification, including the Face-to-Face Encounter. MLN Matters no. SE1219, May 2011.

Caffrey, C., and others. Home Health Care and Discharged Hospice Care Patients: United States, 2000 and 2007. No. 38. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Apr. 27, 2011.

Committee on the Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care; National Research Council. Health Care Comes Home: The Human Factors. Washington: The National Academies Press, 2011.

Amaral, M.M. Does substituting home care for institutional care lead to a reduction in Medicaid expenditures? Health Care Management Science;13(4):319-333, Dec. 2010.

2010 Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs. New York: Mature Market Institute, Oct. 2010.

Kirby, J.B, and Lau, D.T. Community and individual race/ethnicity and home health care use among elderly persons in the United States. Health Services Research, 45(5, Part I):1251-1267, Oct. 2010.

Comprehensive Coordinated Interdisciplinary Home Based Care for Older Adults Helps Prevent Hospitalizations. Significantly Cuts Medicare and VA Spending. New York; The American Geriatrics Society. May 10, 2010.

Simmons, J. Seeking quality healthcare for today's seniors. HealthLeaders Media. Feb. 4, 2010.

Gleckman, H. The faces of home care. Levine, C., and others. Bridging troubled waters: family caregivers, transitions, and long-term care. Health Affairs. 29(1):125-129, Jan. 2010.

Medicare payment basics: Home health care services payment system. Washington, DC: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, Oct. 14, 2009.

The 2009 MetLife Market Survey of Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Adult Day Services, and Home Care Costs. New York: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Oct. 2009.

Safe at home? Developing effective criminal background checks and other screening policies for home care workers. Sept. 2009.

Tsasis, P. Chronic disease management and the home-care alternative in Ontario, Canada. Health Services Management Research. 22(3):136-139, Aug. 2009.

Golberstein, E., and others. Effect of Medicare Home Health Care Payment on Informal Care. Inquiry. 46(1):58-71, Spring 2009.

Press Release: Long-Term Care Costs Exceed Yearly Income for Many Calif. Seniors Living Alone. Los Angeles: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, June 18, 2009.

Medicare Spending and Rehospitalization for Chronically III Medicare Beneficiaries: Home Health Use Compared to Other Post-Acute Care Settings. Washington: Avalere Health LLC, May 11, 2009.

Government Accountability Office. Medicare: Improvements Needed to Address Improper Payments in Home Health. GAO-09-185. Washington: Government Accountability Office, Feb. 27, 2009.

Pulse Report 2009. Home Care. Patient Perspectives on American Health Care. South Bend, IN: Press Ganey, 2009.

Medicare. Improvements Needed to Address Improper Payments in Home Health. Washington: United States Government Accountability Office, Feb. 2009.

Home Care Patient Perspectives on American Health Care. South Bend, IN: Press Ganey. 2009.

2009 Home Care National Patient Safety Goals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission, 2009.

Bode, B., and others. Evaluation of a continuous glucose monitoring system for home-use conditions. Managed Care. 17(8):40-45, Aug. 2008.

Knebel, A., and Phillips, S., editors. Home Health Care During an Influenza Pandemic: Issues and Resources. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, July 2008.

Escalating Energy Costs Threaten Health Care for Critically III and Homebound Seniors: Home Care Nurses, Aides and Therapists Drive 4.8 Billion Miles per Year to Reach Shut-in Patients. Washington: National Association for Home Care and Hospice, June 25, 2008.

Home Care Pulse Report 2008: Patient Perspectives on American Health Care. South Bend, IN: Press Ganey, May 2008.

Patient handoffs: making the hospital to home care transition. Joint Commission Perspectives on Patient Safety. 8(1):1, 3-4, Jan. 2008.

Managed Care Digest Series 2008. Senior Care Digest. Bridgewater, NJ: Sanofi-Aventis, 2008

Sanders, A., and Harahan, M. Doctor at Your Door: The Senior Housing Community's Guide to Medical House Call Programs. Gainsville, FL: Institute for the Future of Aging Service, 2008.

What to do before and after an emergency. Hospital Home Health. 21(11):124-125, Nov. 2004.

Telehealth improves care, coordination, satisfaction. Hospital Home Health. 21(11):126-128, Nov. 2004.

Rising salaries increase importance of retention. Hospital Home Health. 21(11):Suppl. 1-4, Nov. 2004.

Dray, P. B. Deja vu. Health Management Technology. 23(10):44, 46, 50, Oct. 2002.

Grimaldi, P. L. Prospective rates for episodes of home health care. Journal of Health Care Finance. 28(3):63-75, Spring 2002.

Abraham, P. R. ICD-9-raises concerns for home health information managers. Journal of AHIMA. 73(5):62-66, May 2002.

Gettting patient verification of visits: is there a right way to get it done? Hospital Home Health. July 2001.

New privacy rules could pose challenges for home care industry. Homecare Quality Management. July 2001.

Heinrich, J., and Utterback, K. B. Prospective payment comes to Medicare home health. American Journal of Nursing. 101(7):59-61, July 2001.

AHCA gives Bush the lowdown on home care. Hospital Home Health. Apr. 2001

Dombi, W. A. The new age of opportunity & risk. Medicare PPS. Caring. 20(3):6-8, Mar. 2001.

Hausner, T. HCFA quality improvement initiatives. Caring. 20(3):42-43, Mar. 2001.

Barnette, M. Credentialing, accountability, & ethics. Keys to home care PPS. Caring. 20(3):26-30, Mar. 2001.

Tidd, C. W. A process for putting the PPS patient first. Caring. 20(3):10-13, Mar. 2001.

Home health PPS makes discharge planning harder. Hospital Case Management. 9(3):38, 45-46, 34, Mar. 2001.

Youmans, K. Another look at home care PPS. Journal of AHIMA. 72(2):76-78, Feb. 2001.

Agency focuses on causes of dissatisfied patients. Homecare Quality Management. Jan. 2001.

Grimaldi, P.L. Medicare's new home health prospective payment system explained. Healthcare Financial Management. 54(11):46-56, Nov. 2000.

Galloro, V. Embracing PPS. Modern Healthcare. 30(40):2, 14, Sep. 25, 2000.

Webb, C. Hospitals urged to act now to meet Oct. 1 home health PPS deadline. AHA News. 36(32):1-2, Aug. 14, 2000.

HCFA publishes final rule for home health agencies. Health Lawyer News. 4(8):22, Aug. 2000.

Levenson, D. Hospitals record modest gains in final home health PPS rule. AHA News. 36(26):1-2, July 3, 2000.

GAO says home health PPS needs refinement. Healthcare Financial Management. 54(6):12, June 1, 2000.

Martin, J. P., and Dodd, K. J. Home health programs will continue to add value under PPS. Healthcare Financial Management. 54(4):30-3, Apr. 2000.

Gundling, R. Home health agencies should prepare for prospective payment. Healthcare Financial Management. 54(2):72, Feb. 1, 2000.

Dombie, W. A. Agencies at risk: increased liability under PPS. Caring. 19(1):24-5, Jan. 2000.

St. Pierre, M., and Dombie, W. A. Home health PPS: new payment system, new hope. Caring. 19(1):6-11, Jan. 2000.

Sullivan, C. M. Into the mix. Results from PPS per-episode demonstration & case-mix study. Caring. 19(1):12-5, Jan. 2000.

Goldberg, H. B., and Delargy, D. Developing a case-mix model for PPS. Caring. 19(1):16-9, Jan. 2000.

Home health agency prospective payment system unveiled. Healthcare Financial Management. 53(12):11, Dec. 1, 1999.

Blumengold, J. Let home healthcare thrive. Modern Healthcare. 29(47):29, Nov. 22, 1999.

Saphir, A. HCFA proposes PPS for home health. Modern Healthcare. 29(44):10, Nov. 1, 1999.

Schulmerich, S. C. Public policy out of control. The home health care experience. Care Management Journals. 1(4):258-66, Autumn, 1999.

Bishop, C. E., Kerwin, J., and Wallack, S. S. The Medicare home health benefit implications of recent payment changes. Care Management Journals. 1(3):189-96, Summer 1999.


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