Scanning the Headlines: Teaching Hospitals

A bibliographic listing of recently published material related to teaching hospitals.

Updated on June 19, 2017

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Burke, L., and others. (2017, May 23/30). Association between teaching status and mortality in US hospitals. Journal of American Medical Association. 317(20):2105-2113. Retrieved from:

Joseph, A. (2017, May 23). A 'Hard Tradeoff': Pricey Teaching Hospitals Have Lowest Death Rates for Older Patients. Chicago: STAT. Retrieved from:

Silverman, E. (2017, May 2). Conflict Policies Adopted by Academic Med Centers Made a 'Modest' Difference. Chicago: STAT. Retrieved from:

Carlile, N., Rhatigan, J., and Bates, D. (2016, Jan. 6). Why do we still page each other? Examining the frequency, types and senders of pages in academic medical services. BMJ Quality & Safety. Retrieved from:

Song, H., Huckman, R., and Barro, J. (2015, Nov 4). Cohort Turnover and Operational Performance: The July Phenomenon in Teaching Hospitals. Boston: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from:

Clarke, R., Hackbarth, A.S., Saigal, C., and others. (2015, Oct.). Building the infrastructure for value at UCLA: Engaging clinical and developing patient0-centric measurement. Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1368-1372.

Ferguson, C.C., and Lamb, G. (2015, Oct.). A scholarly pathway in quality improvement and patient safety. Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1358-1362.

Miller, H.D. (2015, Oct.) Making value-based payment work for academic health centers. Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1294-1297.

Phillips, R.A., Cyr, J., Keaney, J.F., Jr., and others. (2015, Oct.). Creating and maintaining a successful service line at UMass Memorial Health Care. Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1340-1346.

Pronovost, P.J., Holzmueller, D.G., Molello, N.E., and others. (2015, Oct). The Armstrong Institute: An academic institute for patient safety and quality improvement, research, training, and practice. Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1331-1339.

Beitsch, R. (2015, Aug. 12). To address doctor shortages, some states focus on residences. Kaiser Health News. Retrieved from:

(2015, June). Trendwatch: Teaching Hospitals: Preparing Tomorrow's Physicians Today. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Retrieved from:

Salsberg, E. (2015, May 1). Results from the 2015 GME Matches: GME Positions Continue to Grow. Health Affairs Blog. Retrieved from:

Rieselbach, R., Klink, K., Phillips, R., Navsaria, D., Axelson, A., Sundwall, D., Clements, D., Jansen, M., and Shine, K. (2015, Apr. 24). Teaching Health Centers: Targeted Expansion for Immediate GME Reform. Health Affairs Blog. Retrieved from:

Korn, M. (2015, Apr. 22). Once cash cows, University Hospitals now source of worry of schools. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from:

Lamberth, B. (2015, Jan.-Feb.). Workplace bullying in healthcare: Part 1. Radiology Management, 37(1), 12-15.

Pittman, P., Bass, E., Hargraves, J., Herrera, C., and Thompson, P. (2015, Feb.). The future of nursing: Monitoring the progress of recommended change in hospitals, nurse-led clinics, and home health and hospice agencies. JONA. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(2), 93-99.

Shuman, A.G., Aliu, O., and others. (2014, Nov.). Patching the safety net: establishing a free specialty care clinic in an academic medical center. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 25(4), 1810-1820.

Allen, S., Caton, C., Cluver, J., Mainous, A.G, 3rd, and Clyburn, B. (2014, Oct.). Targeting improvements in patient safety at a large academic center: An institutional handoff curriculum for graduate medical education. Academic Medicine, 89(10), 1366-1369.

Berkowitz, S.A., and Pahira, J.J. (2014, September). Accountable care organization readiness and academic medical centers. Academic Medicine, 89(9), 1210-1215.

Shuman, A.G., Aliu, O., and others. (2014, August). Patching the safety net: establishing a free specialty care clinic in an academic medical center. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 25(3), 1108-1120.

Zenty, T.F., Bieber, E.J., and Hammack, E.R. University hospitals: creating the infrastructure for quality and value through accountable care. Frontiers of Health Services Management. 30(4):21-33, Summer 2014.

Weinstock, M. Concerns raised over IOM's report on GME. H&HN. July 30, 2014.

Robeznieks, A. Revamp funding for training residents: IOM. Modern Healthcare. July 29, 2014.,d.aWw

Rovner, J. Expert panel recommends sweeping changes to doctor training system. Kaiser Health News. July 29, 2014.

Reilly, B. Don't learn on me - are teaching hospitals patient-centered? New England Journal of Medicine. 371:293-295, July 24, 2014.

Modern Healthcare. Consolidation could be next for academic medical centers. Crain's Detroit Business. July 7, 2014.,d.aWw

Herman, B. Wave of consolidation rumbles toward academic medical center. Modern Healthcare;44(27):14-15, July 7, 2014.

Halamka, J.D. Early experiences with big data at an academic medical center. Health Affairs. 33(7):1132-1138, July 2014.

Stimpson, J.P., Li, T., and others. (2014, June). Financial sustainability of academic health centers: identifying challenges and strategic responses. Academic Medicine. 89(6), 853-857.

Valsangkar, B., Chen, C., and others. (2014, June). Do medical school mission statements align with the nation’s health care needs? Academic Medicine. 89(6), 892-895.

Cohee, B.M., Hartzell, J.D., and Shimeall, W.T. (2014, May). Achieving balance on the inpatient internal medicine wards: a performance improvement project to restructure resident work hours at a tertiary-care center. Academic Medicine. 89(5), 740-744.

Gourevitch, M.N. Population health and the academic medical center: the time is right. Academic Medicine;89(4):544-549, Apr. 2014.

Edwards, R.L., Lofgren, R.P., and others. Challenges of becoming a regional referral system: The University of Kentucky as a case study. Academic Medicine;89(2):224-229, Feb. 2014.

Handel, D.J., Kleit, S.A., and Handel, D.A. The development and maturation of a statewide academic health care system: Clarian Health Partners/Indiana University Health. Academic Medicine;89(2):230-235, Feb. 2014.

Thier, S.O., Kelley, W.N., and others. Success factors in merging teaching hospitals. Academic Medicine;89(2):219-223, Feb. 2014.

Shinkman, R. Moody's: Academic medical centers in relatively strong position. FierceHealthFinance. Jan. 16, 2014.

Liao, J.M. Speaking up about the dangers of the hidden curriculum. Health Affairs. 33(1):168-171, Jan. 2014.

Filler, G., Burkoski, V., and Tithecott, G. Measuring physicians’ productivity: a three-year study to evaluate a new remuneration system. Academic Medicine;89(1):144-152, Jan. 2014.

Fowkes, V., Blossom, H.J., and others. Forging successful academic-community partnerships with community health centers: the California statewide area health education center (AHEC) experience. Academic Medicine;89(1):33-36, Jan. 2014.

Shahian, D.M., Meyer, G.S., and Normand, S-L.T. Comparing teaching versus nonteaching hospitals: the association of patient characteristics with teaching intensity for three common medical conditions. Academic Medicine;89(1):94-106, Jan. 2014.

Institute of Medicine. Graduate Medical Education That Meets the Nation's Health Needs. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2014.

Enders, T., and Conroy, J. Advancing the Academic Health System for the Future: A Report from the AAMC Advisory Panel on Health Care. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Medical Colleges, 2014.

Fraher, E.P., Ricketts, T.C., and others. The role of academic health centers and their partners in reconfiguring and retooling the existing workforce to practice in a transformed health system. Academic Medicine;88(12):1812-1816, Dec. 2013.

Pershing, S., and Fuchs, V.R. Restructuring medical education to meet current and future health care needs. Academic Medicine;88(12):1798-1801, Dec. 2013.

Phillips, R.L., Petterson, S., and Bazemore, A. Do residents who train in safety net settings return for practice? Academic Medicine;88(12):1934-1940, Dec. 2013.

Riesenbach, R.E., Crouse, B.J., and others. Academic medicine: a key partner in strengthening the primary care infrastructure via teaching health centers. Academic Medicine;88(12):1835-1838, Dec. 2013.

Stearns, J., Everard, K.M., and others. Understanding he needs and concerns of senior faculty in academic medicine: building strategies to maintain this critical resource. Academic Medicine;88(12):1927-1933, Dec. 2013.

Brudon, D. Coming full circle: embrace institution-wide successes to create a singular, dominant brand identity. Marketing Health Services;33(1):17-20, Winter 2013.

Advisory Panel for Health Care: Advancing the Academic Health System for the Future: Profiles in Academic System Leadership. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges, Nov. 2013.

Stempniak, M., writer. Patients waiting: wasteful to some, valuable to others. H&HN. Oct. 7, 2013.

Novak, R.D., Mansoori, B., and others. The cost of doing business in academic radiology departments. Radiology Management;35(5):26-37, Sept./Oct. 2013.

South-Paul, J.E., Roth, L., and others. Building diversity in a complex academic health center. Academic Medicine;88(9):1259-1264, Sept. 2013.

Fuchs, V.R. Current challenges to academic health centers. JAMA, Aug. 15, 2013.

Wilson, A. 3 Ways to take control over patient flow, staffing. HealthLeaders Media. Aug. 6, 2013.

Valletta, R. M., and Harkness, A. 5 strategies for improving performance of academic medical centers. hfm. 67(6):124-128, June 2013.

Shahian, D.M., and others. Contemporary performance of U.S. teaching and nonteaching hospitals. Academic Medicine;87(6):701-708, June 2013.

Commins, J. Medical school enrollment forecast tempered by residency concerns. Healthleaders Media. May 6, 2013.

Cook, D.C., and others. A systematic strategic planning process focused on improved community engagement by an academic medical center: the University of Kansas Medical Center’s story. Academic Medicine;88(5):614-619, May 2013.

Denham, A.C., and others. Academic health centers and community health centers partnering to build a system of care for vulnerable patients: lessons from Carolina Health Net. Academic Medicine;88(5):638-643, May 2013.

Myth of the nursing shortage. The Wall Street Journal. Apr. 26 ,2013.

Peterson H and Alexander G Jr. Integration without merger: new alignment structure helps academic medical centers adapt to widespread change. Becker’s Hospital Review, Apr. 25, 2013.

Beckham, D. The transformation of an Academic Medical Center. H&HN. Apr. 16, 2013.

Beech, B.M., and others. Mentoring programs for underrepresented minority faculty in academic medical centers: a systematic review of the literature. Academic Medicine;88(4):541-549, Apr. 2013.

Navathe, A.S., and others. Does admission to a teaching hospital affect acute myocardial infarction survival? Academic Medicine;88(4):475-482, Apr. 2013.

Theobald, C.N., and others. The effect of reducing maximum shift lengths to 16 hours on internal medicine interns’ educational opportunities. Academic Medicine;88(4):512-518, Apr. 2013.

Zwink, J.E., Dzialo, M., and others. Nurse manager perceptions of role satisfaction and retention at an academic medical center. JONA. The Journal of Nursing Administration;43(3):135-141, Mar. 2013.

Eves, A., Mueller, K.J., and MHA Candidate. State Health Insurance Exchanges: Assessing Rural Implications of Statutes. Iowa City, IA: Rural Health Research & Policy Centers. Feb. 2013. Health Insurance Exchanges - Rural Implications.pdf

Miller, J.C., and others. Follow the money: the implications of medical schools’ funds flow models. Academic Medicine;87(12):1746-1751, Dec. 2012.

Niemeijer, G.C., and others. Impact of 5 years of lean six sigma in a university medical center. Quality Management in Health Care;21(4):262-268, Oct.-Dec. 2012.

Mallon, W.T., and Buckley, P.T. The current state and future possibilities of recruiting leaders of academic health centers. Academic Medicine;87(9):1171-1176, Sept. 2012.

Haizlip, J., and others. The negativity bias, medical education, and the culture of academic medicine: why culture change is hard. Academic Medicine;87(9):1205-1209, Sept. 2012.

Graduate medical education. Health Policy Briefs. Aug. 16, 2012.

White, E.S., and others. Gender-related differences in the pathway to and characteristics of U.S. medical school deanships. Academic Medicine;87(8):1015-1023, Aug. 2012.

Brownfield, E., and others. The activities and responsibilities of the vice chair for education in U.S. and Canadian departments of medicine. Academic Medicine;87(8):1041-1045, Aug. 2012.

Ries, A., and others. Measuring faculty retention and success in academic medicine. Academic Medicine;87(8):1046-1051, Aug. 2012.

Rabin, E., and others. Solutions to emergency department 'boarding' and crowding are underused and may need to be legislated. Health Affairs. 31(8):1757-1766, Aug. 2012.

Finarelli, M. Academic medical centers: What's their role in the consolidating healthcare market? Becker's Hospital Review. July 2, 2012.

Reece, E.A., Chrencik, R.A., and Miller, E.D. Fully aligned academic health centers: a model for 21st –century job creation and sustainable economic growth. Academic Medicine;87(7):982-987, July 2012.

Ovseiko, P.V., and Buchan, A.M. Organizational culture in an academic health center: an exploratory study using a competing values framework. Academic Medicine;87(6):709-718, June 2012.

Shahian, D.M., and others. Contemporary performance of U.S. teaching hospitals. Academic Medicine;87(6):701-708, June 2012.

Academic Medical Centers: What's Their Role in the Consolidating Health Care Market? Philadelphia, PA: Health Strategies & Solutions, Inc., June 2012.

Cantlupe, J. Physician salaries vary widely among academics. HealthLeaders Media. Apr. 5, 2012.

DeReinzo, C.M., and others. Handoffs in the era of duty hours reform: a focused review and strategy to address changes in the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education common program requirements. Academic Medicine;87(4):403-410, Apr. 2012.

Wohlauer, M.V., and others. The patient handoff: a comprehensive curricular blueprint for resident education to improve continuity of care. Academic Medicine;87(4):411-418, Apr. 2012.

Roberts, S.F., and others. Transforming science into medicine: how clinician-scientists can build bridges across research’s “Valley of Death.” Academic Medicine;84(3):266-270, Mar. 2012.

Adamo, J.E., and others. A roadmap for academic health centers to establish good laboratory practice-compliant infrastructure. Academic Medicine;84(3):279-284, Mar. 2012.

Michener, L., and others. Aligning the goals of community-engaged research: why and how academic health centers can successfully engage with communities to improve health. Academic Medicine;84(3):285-291, Mar. 2012.

Hill, L.L., and Evers, A.S. Hospital support for anesthesiology departments: aligning incentives and improving productivity. Academic Medicine;84(3):348-355, Mar. 2012.

Robeznieks, A. New rounds for med students. Modern Healthcare;42(9):6-7, Feb. 27, 2012.

Rau, J. Medicare study finds teaching hospitals have higher risk of complications; findings disputed. Washington Post. Feb. 12, 2012.

The Future of Academic Medical Centers: Strategies to avoid a Margin Meltdown. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Feb. 2012.

Gamble, M. Medicare overpays 50 teaching hospitals for double-counted residents. Becker's Hospital Review. Jan. 24, 2012.

Daly, R. Audit finds doc-training overpayments. Jan. 23, 2012.


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