Liability Reform
The high costs associated with the current medical liability system not only harm hospitals and physicians, but also patients and their communities.
Across the nation, access to health care is being negatively impacted as physicians move from states with high insurance costs or stop providing services that may expose them to a greater risk of litigation.
The increased costs that result from the current flawed medical liability system not only hinder access to affordable health care, they also threaten the stability of the health care field, which employed 5.7 million people in 2015, and continues to be one of the largest sources of private-sector jobs.
An estimated $50 to $100 billion is spent annually on defensive medicine – services not provided for the primary purpose of benefiting the patient, but rather to mitigate the risk of liability.
To help make health care more affordable and efficient, the current medical liability system must be reformed.
The AHA also works closely with our affiliated organization, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management.