With the AHA as a founding member, the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care began almost 17 years ago as a major communications initiative of hospitals, national, state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations and businesses. It’s dedicated to telling the hospital story and helping policymakers and the public understand why we must protect hospitals from further burdens and funding cuts.

Initially a vehicle exclusively for television and print advertising, the Coalition has evolved into the broadest and strongest digital, online grassroots voice supporting America’s hospitals.

It’s setting new records for high-profile activity, with an online community of more than 1.3 million people. That community is using email, Facebook, Twitter and other social media to increase community engagement and contact with members of Congress around the debate over the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other key issues.

As part of that effort, more than 126,000 letters so far have been sent to Congress, urging every single lawmaker to protect patient care in whatever they do to the health care law.

The Coalition is supported through membership contributions. Given the continuing threats to reducing funding for hospital services, we know you share the AHA’s commitment to keeping the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care strong.

It is through the unity and strength of hospitals and businesses across the country that the Coalition can continue to effectively tell the hospital story and be heard in Congress.

Learn more by visiting www.protecthealthcare.org

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