
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity to acknowledge that we live in a time when the patients and communities we serve are experiencing the impact of ongoing racial injustice, health care inequities and civil unrest. As a health care workforce, we also operate daily under the…
Lidera ConscienteMENTE es una campaña de desestigmatización, primera en su tipo, que obtiene información curada de expertos diseñada específicamente para una audiencia hispana para fomentar conversaciones abiertas sobre la salud mental.
Lidera ConscienteMENTE is a first-of-its-kind destigmatization campaign creating curated expert information designed specifically for a Hispanic audience to encourage open conversations about mental health.
Multi-disciplinary approach leads AdventHealth team to pioneer innovative candy cane endoscopic procedure.
Working in close partnership with the American Hospital Association, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the Catholic Health Association of the United States, the John A. Hartford Foundation has strongly supported the creation and spread of the idea of age-friendly health systems
A recent article in Medical Care Journal paints a bleak picture of the future of healthcare, claiming hospitals intend to replace Registered Nurses (RNs) with lower-paid and less qualified staff, which the authors assert would lead to poorer quality care and skyrocketing costs. The article even…
Last week, several academics released a working paper saying hospital prices lead to employment losses outside the health sector, among other faulty conclusions.
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is supposedly committed to being “an authoritative voice for fiscal responsibility.” That’s why it’s so disappointing that they would propose something so irresponsible in a new report — repealing nonprofit hospitals’ tax exemption. In reality,…
The American Hospital Association Leadership Summit will take place July 21-23, 2024, in San Diego, Calif., at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. The conference offers insights and ideas for senior executives, clinical leaders, board trustees and next-generation health care leaders.
The award-winning five-episode Beyond Birth podcast series covers some of the pressing issues facing maternal health and well-being.