Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.
Hospitals can play a key role in building holistic treatment and support for perinatal mental health disorders during this critical period.
In 2024, the U.S. suffered 24 weather and climate disasters. In October alone, two major hurricanes devastated communities in North Carolina and Florida, leaving residents struggling with scarce resources. In these challenging times, hospitals and health care systems are safe havens, providing…
Combating isolation and loneliness in the health care workforce.
Sean Fadale, FACHE President and CEO, Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home Gloversville, N.Y. Chair, AHA Rural Health Services Committee
Starting today and going through Jan. 15, 2023, individuals and families may buy or change their health insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces.
For unclear reasons, Arnold Ventures, a private LLC backed by hedge fund billionaires John and Laura Arnold, has repeatedly targeted hospitals as part of a widespread misinformation campaign.
The AHA’s Patient Safety Initiative had a huge presence at last month’s AHA Leadership Summit. Over three days of spectacular programming, the initiative’s three priority areas – Culture of Safety, Health Equity and Workforce Safety – were all well-represented.
Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity to acknowledge that we live in a time when the patients and communities we serve are experiencing the impact of ongoing racial injustice, health care inequities and civil unrest. As a health care workforce, we also operate daily under the…
Lidera ConscienteMENTE es una campaña de desestigmatización, primera en su tipo, que obtiene información curada de expertos diseñada específicamente para una audiencia hispana para fomentar conversaciones abiertas sobre la salud mental.
Lidera ConscienteMENTE is a first-of-its-kind destigmatization campaign creating curated expert information designed specifically for a Hispanic audience to encourage open conversations about mental health.