The Road Ahead
As we all know by now, the U.S. House of Representatives did not vote on a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act last week. Be certain, America’s hospitals and health systems will continue to work with Congress – and all stakeholders – to improve health care in America…and to find solutions that are best for hospitals and the patients and communities we serve. Much of the debate over repeal, replace and repair focused on coverage and how to pay for it. That’s an important debate. And ensuring that we protected over 20 million individuals receiving coverage under the ACA was one of our core principles. But we are also focused on delivery system reform – moving toward providing integrated care, and transitioning from fee-for-service reimbursement to different forms of fee-for-value. These issues largely enjoy bipartisan support. And they are key to increasing affordability and value to our patients. While there is no doubt that many of these mechanisms need to be improved and refined – and we need to develop even more innovative and creative options – the alternative to these approaches will inevitably result in the mindless ratcheting of provider rates. Clearly, achieving efficiencies in the delivery system means providing services in a more coordinated manner with a focus on keeping people healthy. This is not a Republican strategy…nor a Democratic one. But it is our strategy to continue Advancing Health in America. We’ll keep you posted on all of these issues – and let you know how you can help make a difference, just like you did by letting legislators know why last week’s effort to repeal and replace the ACA was problematic. Thank you for your support, and for all you do for your patients and your communities.