Nearly 17 million people enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program between Oct. 1, 2013 and Oct. 31, 2016, increasing total enrollment in the programs by 30% since the start of the first open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace, according to a report released Friday by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The preliminary estimate is based on 49 states reporting both October enrollment data and baseline data from July through September 2013. Nearly 73.4 million people were enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP in those states as of Oct. 31, 2016, with Medicaid expansion states showing a 37% increase and non-expansion states showing a 16.5% increase. The Health Insurance Marketplace launched its fourth open enrollment period Nov. 1, which runs through Jan. 31. As of Dec. 19, the deadline for Marketplace coverage beginning Jan. 1, nearly 6.4 million people had selected a 2017 health plan through, CMS said. About 670,000 people selected plans on Dec. 15, the original deadline for Jan. 1 coverage, breaking last year’s record for the day of 600,000. About one-third of those selecting plans were new consumers and the rest were renewing coverage. Thirty-nine states are using for 2017 open enrollment.

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