AHA accepting nomination for Board of Trustees
The AHA Committee on Nominations is accepting nominations for chair-elect of the Board of Trustees, as well as five trustees at large, all of whom will take office Jan. 1, 2018. Candidates must be affiliated with an AHA member hospital or health system. CEOs, senior executives, trustees or physicians in leadership position are all eligible, and previous participation in AHA governance and policy development is highly valued. The Committee on Nominations places a high priority on increasing diversity on the Board, including ethnic, racial, gender and generational. Strong candidates will have a record of leading innovation, actively participating in public policy discussion and action, and thought leadership. Candidates cannot be from systems or hospitals already represented on the board in 2018. To make a nomination, please contact Gail Lovinger Goldblatt, committee secretary, at (312) 422-2711 or glovinger@aha.org no later than Feb. 17.