AHA shares views on ACA repeal/replace legislation with Senate committee
The AHA today shared with the Senate Finance Committee its views on legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. “As Congress re-examines the ACA, patients and the caregivers who serve them are depending on legislators to make continued coverage a priority,” wrote AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels. “We believe that any changes to the ACA must be guided by ensuring that we continue to provide health care coverage for the tens of millions of Americans who have benefitted from the law. We are pleased that so many in the Senate, and on the Committee on Finance, also recognize the need to preserve coverage. We believe that any legislation needs to be reviewed through this lens, and carefully evaluated regarding its impact on both individuals and the ability of hospitals and health systems – which are the backbone of the nation's health care safety net – to care for all who walk through our doors. We look forward to working with the Senate to address these issues, and believe that together we can agree on legislation that meets our mutual goals.” The committee sought comments from stakeholders as it considers changes to the House-passed American Health Care Act.