ND providers to Senate: Go back to drawing board on health care reform
The North Dakota Hospital Association and North Dakota Medical Association last week shared their concerns about the U.S. Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act in an op-ed in the Jamestown Sun. “NDHA and NDMA support maintaining key insurance market reforms, such as prohibiting pre-existing condition exclusions, maintaining adjusted community rating and providing parental coverage for adults up to age 26,” wrote NDHA President Jerry Jurena and NDMA Executive Director Courtney Koebele. “In addition, Congress must make sure that Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and other safety net programs are adequately funded. However, in our view, the BCRA does not achieve these goals. We urge our senators to vote against the BCRA. The Senate should go back to the drawing board and seek bipartisan solutions that truly reform health care. We stand ready to assist in achieving a better system.”