The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today provided an update on the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo and advised health care providers in the U.S. to continue to obtain a travel history from all patients seeking care. CDC said providers should promptly isolate patients that have symptoms compatible with Ebola and a recent (within 21 days) history of travel to the affected areas in the Equateur Province of DRC, pending diagnostic testing. In addition, providers should consider other infectious disease risks that are much more common in returning travelers, including malaria, CDC said. According to the World Health Organization, as of May 27, there have been 54 Ebola cases reported, including 25 deaths. Most of these cases have been in the rural area of Bikoro. Four cases have been reported in Mbandaka, a city of about 1.2 million people. Use of an of experimental vaccine, which was highly protective against the virus in a large 2015 trial in Guinea, began in Mbandaka, and WHO said the next phase of vaccinations will be in Bikoro and other rural areas. In addition, WHO has advised nine neighboring countries, including Congo-Brazzaville and Central African Republic, that they are at high risk of spread and have received equipment and personnel support from WHO. For more information about Ebola, please visit CDC’s website.

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