AHA honors five hospital-led partnerships to improve community health

Five hospital-led programs today received the 2021 AHA Dick Davidson NOVA Award for their collaborative efforts to improve community health. The winning programs and hospital partners are: Better Outcomes Thru Bridges, Providence Health & Services, Portland, Ore.; Blue Zones Project Fort Worth, Texas Health Resources, Fort Worth, Texas; Connected Community Network and Homeless Health Initiative, CommonSpirit Health, Chicago; and the COVID-19 Community Prevention Project, Luminis Health, Annapolis, Md.
“Prioritizing the health and wellbeing of their patients and communities is just one of the responsibilities that hospitals and health systems have, and this year we have witnessed countless examples of hospitals meeting the needs of their communities while battling a once-in-a-century pandemic,” said AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack. “The recipients of this year’s AHA Dick Davidson NOVA award have created collaborative partnerships and programs to address the needs of their communities during these challenging and unprecedented times.”
For more on the programs, see the AHA news release.