AHA, AMA, ANA urge public to donate blood

The AHA, American Medical Association and American Nurses Association today released a joint statement urging Americans to donate blood.
“We face a blood supply crisis the American Red Cross calls its worst blood shortage in over a decade,” the statement notes. “The severity and duration of this shortage could significantly jeopardize the ability of health care providers to meet the many urgent needs of our patients and communities. We urge everyone who can to give blood. Donating blood is safe and easy to do. As we add our voices to others asking people to donate, we hope that many available appointment slots will fill. However, we urge potential donors not to be discouraged if they are unable to get an appointment immediately, as this does not mean their donation is not needed. There will always be a need for blood in health care, and meeting that need will require consistent donations over time to ensure that our blood supply is restored to an acceptable level moving forward.”