AHA recognizes federal health care leaders

At its Annual Membership Meeting this week in Washington, D.C., AHA presented two federal hospital leaders with 2023 awards recognizing their outstanding service to the health care field. Col. Craig Keyes, chief of staff and deputy director, Defense Health Network — National Capital Region, Bethesda, Md., received the Award for Excellence. Maj. Kimberly Forsythe, mental health officer in charge, 66th MDS Hanscom Clinic, Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, received the Special Achievement Award.
“Our federal health systems make significant contributions to the hospital field and are advancing care to better serve patients’ needs, in both the federal and private sector,” said AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack. “It’s our honor to recognize Colonel Keyes and Major Forsythe for their demonstrated leadership, continued resilience, and devoted service to ensure access to care. The women and men of our federal health system are a valuable resource to our nation.”
Read more about their achievements here.