The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) affiliate recently released a resource that points the way towards building those types of partnerships. HRET’s “playbook,” developed with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, outlines strategies and lessons learned from 10 strong hospital-community partnerships.

HRET is following up on release of the playbook with an Aug. 24 webinar featuring hospital and health system leaders who are partnering with others in their communities to foster a culture of health and wellness. These partnerships are critical to hospitals’ and health systems’ ability to build a future where they are associated as much with health and wellness as they are with sickness.

In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever that hospital and health system leaders do all they can to form community partnerships that improve peoples’ health, prevent disease and reduce health disparities. Creating effective community partnerships that promote a culture of health and wellness takes time and dedication. As HRET's playbook helps illustrate, the result is a positive return in better community relations and a healthier community.

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