Jurisdictions that have used 90% of their JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine supply and are administering the vaccine intradermally to adults can begin ordering additional vaccine Monday, when the Department of Health and Human Services will release an additional 1.8 million doses to administer to high-risk individuals, the White House announced today. HHS also will set aside 50,000 vaccine doses from the Strategic National Stockpile for jurisdictions hosting large events that attract gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, who are at higher risk for the virus; and allocate 50,000 treatment courses of the investigational antiviral drug TPOXX to jurisdictions based on their case count and risk. To stretch available supply of the vaccine five-fold, the Food and Drug Administration last week issued an emergency use authorization allowing health care providers to administer the vaccine to adults intradermally.

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