AHA Statement on CY 2024 OPPS Proposed Rule
Stacey Hughes
Executive Vice President
American Hospital Association
July 13, 2023
The AHA is concerned that CMS is proposing an outpatient hospital payment update of only 2.8% in spite of persistent financial headwinds facing the hospital field. Most hospitals across the country continue to operate on negative or very thin margins that make providing care and investing in their workforce very challenging day to day. Without a more robust payment update in the final rule, hospitals’ and health systems’ ability to continue caring for patients and providing essential services for their communities may be jeopardized.
Separately, hospitals remain committed to helping patients access the information they need when planning for their care, including meaningful information about the cost of that care. The AHA will be carefully reviewing the proposed changes to the Hospital Price Transparency Rule to ensure they continue to advance our shared objective with CMS of making it easier for patients to access pricing and cost information while reducing unnecessary administrative burden and costs on hospitals and health systems.