American Hospital Association content on health care standards and guidelines for members and the health care field.
Prior to 2017, AHA had a voluntary registration program for any institution that met its registration requirements for hospitals. Membership in the American Hospital Association was not a prerequisite.
AHA’s registration program was phased out in 2017 and has been replaced by a new AHA definition…
The Health Research & Educational Trust is the non-profit affiliate of the American Hospital Association (AHA). The Association for Community Health Improvement is a personal membership group of the AHA. Our mission is to transform health care through research and education. Funded by the…
The Missouri Hospital Association issued the Standardized, Plain Language Emergency Codes Implementation Guide. The use of standardized codes will increase transparency, reduce patient errors using a simple and practical approach and promote the safety of patients, hospital employees and visitors.…
The National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care 3rd edition 2013. The guidelines foster consistent and high standards in palliative care and encourage continuity of care across settings. Since there is shared responsibility for…
The AMA Principles for Physician Employment are intended to help physicians, those who employ physicians, and their respective advisors identify and address some of the unique challenges to professionalism and the practice of medicine arising in the face of physician employment. The principles are…
Beginning in 2014, the reporting of clinical quality measures will change for all providers. Electronic health records technology that has been certified to the 2014 Edition standards and certification criteria will have been tested for enhanced CQM-related capabilities, Eligible professionals,…
Seasonal influenza remains a serious public health concern. According to the CDC, seasonal influenza is associated with 3,000 to 50,000 deaths in the United States each year, depending on the severity of the virus strain. Preparedness for influenza pandemics is inextricably tied to preparedness and…
Frequently Asked Questions regarding implementation of the market reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act, as well as FAQs regarding implementation of the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008
A Pittsburgh-based wellness program enlists entire communities to promote wellness for children.
This policy paper examines the latest developments in accountable care organizations (ACOs), including a look at the final regulations on ACOs issued in October 2011 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The paper, written by the Urban Institute, provides an overview of ACOs,…