Hospital Value-based Purchasing Program: Impact Calculator
On April 29, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a final regulation for the new hospital value-based purchasing program. The final rule, which affects inpatient prospective payment system hospitals was published in the May 6 Federal Register.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 established a Medicare VBP program to pay hospitals for their actual performance on quality measures, rather than just the reporting of those measures, beginning in fiscal year 2013. The VBP program will apply to all acute-care prospective payment system hospitals, with some exceptions.
The calculator is designed so that you can enter your hospital's baseline and performance period scores, as well as case counts and number of HCAHPS surveys, in the relevant worksheets. The calculator will then estimate your clinical process of care, HCAHPS and total performance scores. It also provides a range of scenarios that show how these scores might affect the portion of your withhold amount that you earn back.