Amicus Brief

The AHA weighs in on a number of issues of importance to hospitals and health systems, as well as the patients they care for, as they come before the court. Below are our most recent friend-of-the-court briefs.

AHA Amicus Brief in 5th Circuit Court Challenges FTC Non-compete Rule.
AHA, others challenge Novartis in court filings to defend Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy law .
AHA, others challenge PhRMA in court filings to defend Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy law.
AHA amicus brief defending Kansas’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Law in ABBVIE INC., et al., case.
Amicus Brief: ABBVIE INC., et al., v. Keith M. Ellison, in his official capacity as Attorney General of Minnesota Motion to Dismiss 340B Litigation
Amicus Brief: Motion to Dismiss in Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals LP v Plaintiff, Attorney General of the State of Minnesota in 340B litigation.
Amicus Brief: AHA, Electronic Health Record Association In Support of PointClickCare Technologies, Inc, re: information blocking and health information IT.